2018 Spring Event: Challenges And Opportunities Facing Federal Statistics

The U.S. Federal Statistical System collects and disseminates crucial statistics and information that serve the public good. However, the Census Bureau and other Federal statistical agencies are facing a number of serious immediate and long-term challenges, ranging from declining survey response rates to increasing demand for data. How are the Census Bureau and other Federal statistical agencies responding to these challenges? How do new developments in technology present opportunities for exciting advancements? How can the survey research industry stay informed about new developments and participate in the process?


John Thompson, Executive Director of the Council of Professional Associations on Federal Statistics and the 24th Director of the U.S. Census Bureau (2013-2017)


Thursday, March 29th


  • University of Pennsylvania,
  • Annenberg School of Communication,
  • 3620 Walnut Street,
  • Philadelphia, PA

The Annenberg School is easily accessible from Philadelphia’s 30th Street Station.

Parking Available here.


5:30 PM to 6:30 PM – Cocktail Reception (in Plaza Lobby, 2ndFloor) 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM – Keynote Address (Room 500, 5th Floor)


To register for the event, please use the paypal link to the right, or contact [email protected]


  • Member: $15
  • Non-Member: $25 (includes 1 year of membership)
  • Students: Free (includes 1 year of membership)