First Annual Student Paper Competition, Plenary Speaker, And Reception

Hosted by SSRS (Social Science Research Solutions)

The PA/NJ chapter of AAPOR (American Association for Public Opinion Research) is holding its first annual student paper competition followed by a cocktail reception and plenary speaker.


3:30pm – 7:00pm

Student Paper Presentations from 3:30-4:45 Cocktail Reception from 5:00-5:45 Plenary from 6:00-7:00; informal discussion after the event is encouraged


Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania at 3620 Walnut Street in Philadelphia. The Annenberg School is easily accessible from Philadelphia’s 30th Street Station.

Student Paper Competition

The competition is intended to recognize excellence in scholarly research and to encourage active student participation in the chapter. We will announce three winners who will receive cash prizes and honorary one-year membership to PANJAAPOR. Papers related to survey, public opinion, or market research are welcomed. Please indicate intention to submit by Feb. 19th to



Papers related to survey, public opinion, or market research are welcomed. Specific research may include substantive findings about public opinion, theory and methods of survey or market research, or statistical techniques in survey research design and analysis. We encourage entries from any fields that employ survey and opinion research, including political science, communications, economics, psychology, sociology, marketing, survey methods, and related fields.


The competition is open to all current graduate and undergraduate students, and to those who have received their degree within the last calendar year. Eligible papers will be authored by graduate or undergraduate students, currently attending colleges and universities in PANJAAPOR’s geographic region.


The entries will be judged by a panel of survey and public opinion researchers selected by the PANJAAPOR Executive Council.

First place winner will receive:

  • A cash award of $250
  • Honorary one-year membership to PANJAAPOR

Second & Third place winners will each receive:

  • A cash award of $125
  • Honorary one-year membership to PANJAAPOR

*For multiple student authors on a winning paper, the award will be divided among the eligible authors.


Please send your paper via e-mail to Thomas Lamatsch at [email protected] by Tuesday, March 12, 2014. The winners will be announced the week before the event. Please include your name, mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address. Entries should not exceed 25 pages total. There will be no charge for this event. To RSVP please email [email protected] or visit our website